Work produced for the final-year project of my two-year Diploma, it concerns redesigning the visual identity of a gliding association located in the Vosges mountains.
The needs of Vosges Planeurs were to attract new members while focusing on a younger generation. The association's activity is gliding, a sport that involves piloting sailplanes, small airplanes without engines, which are dependent on their meteorological and geographical environment. The challenge of the design was to express the feeling of gliding through air and remind the specific environment that the club finds itself in, the Vosges mountains. The identity needed also to feel more modern-day and instigate trust. I came up with a solution relying on emotion through clean composition. Elements such as the colour gradient aim to represent the feeling of silence and lightness in relation to the sky and the weather while the colour palette used was inspired by the Vosges mountains. I created also a custom typeface with sharp edges reminding the sailplane wings and a condensed look to convey the elevation feeling.